Human Resouces Management

Work Style Reform

Approach to Work-Life Balance

As Japan faces a declining birthrate and increasing aged population, the needs of people who balance work with family responsibilities like child-rearing and nursing care have become more diverse. Thus, establishing an environment that expands work opportunities and enables workers to fully realize their ambitions and utilize their skills to improve productivity and achieve work-life balance has become an important issue for companies. KOKUSAI ELECTRIC has enhanced measures to accommodate life events such as child-rearing and nursing care, and supports work-life balance with a wide range of measures, including reducing commute time by actively encouraging working from home.

Support for Balancing Work and Life

Recognizing the importance of achieving a good balance between rewarding and fulfilling work and a sound and comfortable life, we have been working to develop and enrich programs that help workers balance work with life events such as child-rearing and nursing care. We have taken several initiatives to encourage men to take childcare leave, including the CEO conveying a message about our efforts to address the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, sharing examples of men taking childcare leave in internal newsletters and on the intranet, and offering e-learning courses to managers on the revised Child Care and Family Care Leave Act.

Number of employees who took childcare and nursing care leave and percentage of employees who took childcare leave

Allowance for Balancing Childcare and Work Program

As part of our efforts to create an environment where employees with children can continue to make a full contribution at work, we implemented the “Allowance for Balancing Childcare and Work” program on April 1, 2017. This program provides employees who are raising a child or children prior to completion of the third grade of elementary school, whether a dual income household or as a single parent, with financial assistance to cover childrearing expenses, such as fees for preschool and after-school childcare facilities.

Remote Work Program

In April 2023 we implemented a remote work program to help employees balance work with life events and have a sound and comfortable life by reducing commute time. Employees who do work that can be done at home can choose to work remotely as long as it does not hinder their work.

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