Basic Approach to Corporate Governance
The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group is promoting sustainability management based on our corporate philosophy, the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Way. Our sustainability management provides added value both from our business activities and ESG initiatives*, aiming to balance the realization of a sustainable society with the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group's continuous development. To realize sustainability management, we maintain a strong awareness of our social responsibility, striving to continue being a company that is trusted by society by strengthening our group-wide governance system.
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Initiatives to resolve environmental and social issues and strengthen governance.
Corporate Governance System

The Company has chosen to be a company with an audit and supervisory committee for the purpose of further enhancing the Board of Directors’ supervision of executive officers and to improve corporate governance. We aim to separate management and execution by appointing multiple outside directors who are not personally involved in business execution. To engage in decision-making that incorporates broader perspectives, and for the objective oversight of business execution, five of the ten members of the Board of Directors are outside directors. In line with the Corporate Governance Code, we analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors to maintain and improve its effectiveness. In addition, the Company has voluntarily established as consultation organizations for the Board of Directors, the Nomination and Compensation Committee, which clarifies the policies concerning executive personnel matters and compensation and to ensure transparency in the decision-making process, and the Transactions with Controlling Shareholders Committee, which deliberates on important transactions and behavior where there is conflict of interest between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders.